Smart Mobile Attendance are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions listed below or as may be revised from time to time, which is, for an indefinite period and you understand and agree that you are bound by such terms and conditions till the time you access this website.

It reserves the right to change these terms & conditions from time to time without any obligation to inform you and it is your responsibility to look through them as often as possible. All rights, including copyright, in this website.

Eligibility Criteria

Persons who are “incompetent to contract” within are not eligible to use the Website. If your age is below 18 years you are prohibited to use/purchase/contract from/with this website.

Those who choose to access this website from outside are responsible for compliance with local laws if and to the extent local laws are applicable. In case if any Foreign states prohibit direct sale of merchandise from other states/country and require special documentation to effect such a sale without dual taxation, if we receive an order from such states or to be delivered to such states under such circumstances we retain the right to accept or reject the order.

By visiting the Web Site or using Smart Mobile Attendance or accepting these Terms of Use, you represent and warrant to the Company that you have the right, authority and capacity to use the Web Site and you are not below the age of majority as that is defined in Your jurisdiction and agree to and abide by these Terms of Use. You also represent and warrant to the Company that you will use the Web Site or Mobile App in a manner consistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations.

Changes to the Service

We may, without prior notice, change the Service; stop providing the Service or features of the Service, to you or to Users generally; or create usage limits for the Service. We may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend your access to the Service without notice and liability for any reason, including if in our sole determination you violate any provision of this Agreement, or for no reason. Upon termination for any reason or no reason, you continue to be bound by this Agreement.


While we make every effort to ensure that all Smart Mobile Attendance content displayed on the Web Site and App is accurate and complete, we provide the Smart Mobile Attendance content for informative purposes and on an ‘as is’ , as available’ basis only without warranties of any kind either express of implied.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to our app and the use of this app (including, without limitation, any warranties implied by law in respect of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and/or the use of reasonable care and skill).

The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this Section and elsewhere in this disclaimer: (a) are subject to the preceding paragraph; and (b) govern all liabilities arising under the disclaimer or in relation to the subject matter of this disclaimer, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort (including negligence) and for breach of statutory duty.

To the extent that the website and the information and services on the website are provided free of charge, we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature.

The data and information made available on the App are of a general nature and do not purport, and shall not in any way be deemed to constitute an offer of provision of any professional or expert advice. You should at all times consult a qualified expert or professional adviser to obtain advice and are intended to be your general information only.